First, the dogs...
Our Bernese Mountain dog, Forrest, has been a real biscuit lately. He has been laying around all day/evening and then decides at 3:30-4:00AM that it is time to be awake. He whines, moans, barks, and generally is a pain in the neck. Needless to say, sleeping is 'challenging' to say the least during this commotion. If Denise or I go down, he slams up against us as only a Berner can do and then proceeds to lay down again... Geesh, worse than a baby...
Now the tracks...
I started my morning run today a bit earlier than usual (see above) and wanted to complete 6 miles on the bike path. Strangely, there were no tracks in the fresh covering of snow this early in the morning so I enjoyed leaving my mark on the path. Since I was running an out-and-back, I was able to observe in my tracks that my right foot angles out a bit. Not really sure what it means, if anything, but it was fun to note. It was also fun to see my tracks in the couple of icy spots where I slid a bit...
I quickly showered, gulped down a cup of coffee and awesome bowl of oatmeal, and then drove Gina to school. She had to take her book report project in today and it is not 'bus durable'...
I hope that the sky stays clear for the eclipse tonight... I also wonder if they will shoot the satellite down tonight?
I have Moved!
10 years ago
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