Sunday, January 6, 2008

Foggy Bottom 8.5

I chose today's title not because we had Mexican last night, but because the warmer temperatures make for some foggy areas along the bike path as the snow was melting. Nice 8.5 mile run early this morning after yesterday's 22 miles. My legs are really tired now and I am going to run again tomorrow to take advantage of these warm temperatures!

We had Denise's family in today from Buffalo for a late Christmas celebration since we were sick for the originally-planned time. I asked my parents to also come up from Dayton to visit since they have not seen my mother and father in-law for some time. I think everyone enjoyed seeing each other again and there was lots of laughing as Forrest kept us entertained with his moaning and other shenanigans!

Off to "Buffalo Wings and Things" for some junk food for dinner. That craving will not be back for a while...

Week summary: 42.5 miles. This next week should be close to 50 miles and then taper for the Buckeye Trail 50K. I enjoy taper!! :)

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